Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog topic #10

Happy African Children at School
I believe that Nations should stop providing aid as much as we do to Africa.  As Katie said in class it is very clear that the money that is sent there seldom reaches the people that it is meant for.  I thought that what Katie said about "Instead of sending money to make yourself feel good, go over there yourself and ensure that you are really doing something for the people" was very much correct.  Instead of wasting all of this money trying to help them and in reality not doing squat for them and you want to help them then you should take the initiative to take a mission trip to that country and actually get something done for them.  First of all this would ensure that you actually did something for them.  Secondly, it may be a great experience for you and you get to travel!  Lastly, it would give you the satisfaction of actually helping the people who really need the help and get to see the impact of what you've done first hand.  This, in my mind, would be the most gratifying experience of it all.

Blog Topic #11

This is a map of all the McDonalds locations in America.  It is amazing how many of these restaurants are in America.  There are over 13,700 McDonalds located in the United States! That is a ridiculous amount of Big Macs!  In a way just knowing that there is that many is sort of disgusting to be honest.  I don't know about what others think but when I think of McDonalds I think about fat, greasy, and sometimes downright nasty food.  To think that there is that much fatty food restaurants in America makes it easy to comprehend why Americans have been getting fatter and lazier.  McDonalds is just but one of the fast-food restaurants America hosts as well... Pretty disgusting to think of all that stuff! McDonalds alone serves over 46 million customers a day, and they start up a new McDonalds every 12 hours, it is growing fast! The world will soon be consumed by McDonalds!

Blog Topic #8

I added these two pictures because in regular flat maps Antarctica looks way bigger than any other continent.  As you can see here it truly is not that big.  In fact Antarctica (top) is quite a bit smaller than even South America (bottom), and in a flat map Antarctica looks easily five times bigger than South America.  I thought this was interesting because as a kid in elementary school I had always thought Antartica was easily the biggest continent on earth but I was definately wrong! 

Blog Topic #9

In a link I found here (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358972/Libya-protests-Gaddafis-rambling-TV-address-Ill-die-martyr.html) Gadhafi blames the violence in Libya on other world leaders.  He says that the protestors that are against him are on drugs and should be eliminated.  This seems pretty far fetched to me... Obviously, ALL of his protestors are not on drugs at all.  This site basically just solidfies that he is no good.  To me it makes it obvious that he is not fit to be a leader if he is to stoop as low as blaming other world leaders for the violence and to say that the protestors are all on drugs is just ridiculous.  He is not fit to be a leader clearly if he is as weak as to say things like this.

Friday, January 21, 2011


       I really like this picture. I believe it says a lot about how globalizaation is allowing people from all races and cultures to work together and help one another.  Globalization allows us to experience other peoples' cultures from around the world other than our own.  This picture also shows what else globalization has done for us.  It has united us all (for the most part) so that we can all help in holding up the world together.  We need each other in  many different ways that a lot of people don't necessarily think about.  For instance, most people just go to the store and buy whatever they please here in America without thinking about how what they're buying was most likely made buy a different country for our convenience.  It's pretty amazing how much the people in this world help each other. Whether they know (like) it or not!